I will explain you how to install devkitPro - devkitPPC - portlibs and libogc.
First of all in this site you will find almost all the files you will need: Sourceforge - DevkitPro
But what are you going to download ?
From The devkitPPC folder download:
devkitPPC_r21-i686-linux.tar.bz2 (32bit)
From The libogc folder download:
From The libfat folder download:
From portlibs folder download:
From examples/wii folder download:
And The Last
SDL Wii 11-28-2009.zip |
## Warning ##
Above I provide links which over the days libraries versions may change. If you want up to date libraries download them from Sourceforge - DevkitPro And SDL-Wii . ( The Package Name Will Be The Same Only Version Number Will Chage )
Create a folder named "devkitPRO". ( Create it wherever you want it, it will be temp)
Inside "devkitPRO" create these folders - "devkitPPC" - "portlibs" - "examples"
Extract All Downloaded Files and copy ""What's inside them" as you see bellow:
Files -- Folder
devkitppc --> devkitPPC/ppc
libogc --> libogc
SDLWii --> libogc
All portlibs & libfat --> portlibs
examples --> examples/wii
(If asks for replacing any file choose yes)
Now open the terminal and write this:
sudo cp -R (where-is-your-devkitpro-dir) /usr/local/
After that give read-write permitions.
sudo chmod -R 777 /usr/local/devkitPRO
Ok enough with copy-paste.
Write to terminal.
export DEVKITPRO=/usr/local/devkitPRO
export DEVKITPPC=${DEVKITPRO}/devkitPPC/ppc
export PORTLIBS=${DEVKITPRO}/portlibs
You have to enter these commands every time you open your pc. If don't want
to enter them every time you can add these lines to ~/.bashrc file.
Pfff last lines....
Download Sample Makefile: MakeFile
Create a folder and create another folder inside named "source".There will be placed all your source files and headers. Outside the source folder place the makefile. You are ready !!! To compile and create your .elf or .dol file get in that folder from the terminal and type make !
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