Μέσα από αυτό το Tutorial θα προετοιμάσουμε το περιβάλλον σας για να ξεκινήσετε να προγραμματίζεται πάνω σε SDL. Θα σας δείξω πως να εγκαταστήσετε και να συνδέσετε σε ένα project την SDL σε Windows με το Visual Studio.
Η SDL δεν είναι γλώσσα προγραμματισμού αλλά library.
Αν δε γνωρίζεται C/C++ διαβάστε κάποιο οδηγό για να μάθετε τα βασικά της γλώσσας
και ύστερα επιστρέψτε σε αυτό τον οδηγό.
Monday, 31 January 2011
2. Εισαγωγη Στην SDL
Μέσα από το βίντεο θα μάθετε ποια είναι τα βασικά βήματα για να αρχίσετε να προγραμματίζετε με SDL & C++,πως φορτώνουμε μια εικόνα και πως την αναπαράγουμε στην οθόνη μας.
Sunday, 30 January 2011
** My Story By George Sofianos**
My First touch with "Commands" was when I wanted to be a hacker (about 13-14 years old). I read somewhere that one of the things I need to know to become a hacker was HTML.
So I learned HTML.After months I created many free sites with forum system that didn't need any extreme skills. When I uploaded for the first time phpbb system to a free server and I started to install "MODS" I have my first touch with php. While I was playing with the phpbb code or... trying to play, I read some things about PHP and I tried to learn javascript with no success.
Generally when I was taking the decision to learn something I had an enthusiasm just for a while.
So I learned HTML.After months I created many free sites with forum system that didn't need any extreme skills. When I uploaded for the first time phpbb system to a free server and I started to install "MODS" I have my first touch with php. While I was playing with the phpbb code or... trying to play, I read some things about PHP and I tried to learn javascript with no success.
Generally when I was taking the decision to learn something I had an enthusiasm just for a while.